Superpowers are real, and we all have them: powerful capabilities bestowed by some freak accident that give us the power to vanquish evil and save the world.
OK, OK!…we're not talking about superpowers like in the comics or the movies! Rather, as children of God, the Holy Spirit gives each of us incredible spiritual gifts.
Have you ever wondered what your spiritual gifts might be? your gifting fits in with the mission of the church?
Here is a quick survey you might like to take to get a feel for your gifting. You can download this file, and then fill it in/save it to your computer or phone.
Got questions about your gifting? You can set up a meeting with Pastor Sam to chat about this, and how you might use your gifts. Email James, our office administrator, to set that up (
Our gifts allow us to contribute uniquely to the body of Christ, and our communities, helping to strengthen each other and give glory to God. When we spend time to learn how we are gifted, and time to exercise our gifts (try them out, see how they “fit”), we can see how we can serve well with our time and talents.
Another idea for you:
You could join us for an Alpha class, where we explore spiritual gifts among many other key topics of the Christian faith.
Confirmation of our gifts often comes from experimenting by using them. We can be confident we have a gift if the following happens:
• Serving in this way is fun and fulfilling.
• Our efforts produce good results.
• We receive confirmation/affirmation from others in the church.
When you're ready to plug in, click the button below for some serving ideas!