
Prayer requests, prayer chain, and prayer resources.

Prayer for healing - 1st Saturdays

1st Saturday of each month

Join us the each month on First Saturdays at 10am at Grace, we will be offering a time of prayer for physical and emotional healing.


Feel free to come for prayers for yourself, or for a friend or loved one, or just to participate in our prayers for one another.

Jesus and his disciples gave us many examples of His kingdom being manifested in the healing of the sick and we want to begin offering that ministry in a consistent way at Grace.



March 4 | April 1 | May 6 | June 3 | July 1

August 5 | Sept 2 | Oct 7 | Nov 4 | Dec 2

Prayer resources

Prayer requests

Our Grace prayer team is ready to join with you in prayer for whatever concerns you have. We take your requests seriously and would be honored to stand with you as you bring your concerns before our heavenly Father.

NOTE: Any prayer request you share with us will only be shared with our staff and prayer team unless you specify otherwise.