
Partnering with families to develop fully devoted followers of Christ!

At Grace, relationships matter a lot to us. Families are all about relationships! We want to help to equip parents in their journey as their children's key disciplers, so we've got resources here for you to dig into.

Our heart is to help YOU by providing rich weekly content...and you can always reach out to us, too.

Clickable Resources for Parents

Helpful Podcasts

Parent Cue
Parent Tips
Pop Culture & Youth

Helpful Books

Who am I? - Where do I fit? - What difference can I make? Young people struggle to find satisfying and life-giving answers to these questions on their own. They need caring adults willing to lean in with empathy, practice listening, and gently point them in the direction of better answers: they are enough because of Jesus, they belong with God's people, and they are invited into God's greater story.
Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World
The Social Lives of Networked Teens

What specific resources are you looking for in your specific stage with your family? Let us know how we can help you find resources, connections, tips, or anything else you need for your kids or yourselves. We're here to talk too... We are in this together, just fill out the form below and we'll get back to you soon!